Ingredients :
4,5 cup Bread Flour (600 gr)
2 Tbsp Corn Starch
1/2 Tsp Baking Powder
8 Egg Yolks
1 Stick Butter (100gr)
3 Tbsp Vegetable Oil
150 ml Hot Water
125 ml Milk
1/2 Cup sugar ( 125 gr)
1,5 Tbsp yeast
1 Tbsp Vanilla Extract
Directions :
Read the instruction of bread machine
Add the ingredients per instructions
Choose dough setting
Wait until the machine finished
Let it rise in machine
Prepare a bowl, spray with oil
Sprinkle your hand with flour, made a ball of dough and put in bowl
Cover the bowl with kitchen towel let it rest until double size
Prepare the filling (Chocolate, Peanut, Coconut)
Prepare muffin tin
Take a bit of dough, flattened in your hand, fill with the filling, and round it back
Arrange the filled dough into muffin tin
Cover with kitchen towel, let it rise
When dough rise
Pre heat oven 325F
Prepare egg wash (2 Yolk + 2 Tbsp Sweet condensed milk)
Egg wash all bread
Sprinkle topping like sesame seed or chocolate sprinkle
Baked 10-15 mins depend on oven
Baked until golden brown
Let it cool completely
Brush with melted butter